Villa Pennisi in Musica

Serafino Di Rosario – acoustic engineer

The third year is usually the most difficult during the life of a project that is renewed year by year.
It is the moment in which you realize if the quality of your design is confirmed or, in the worst case scenario, it is reduced to a mere failed experiment.
It is also the moment in which the magical relationship between students and professors can be renewed and you realize that your teaching interests the architects and engineers to be.

This year, during Villa Pennisi in Musica, we have been able to give an answer to our third years enigmas and ReS has been presented to us as our possible life-long relationship.
A beautiful woman with some little defects that are even more charming to us than perfection.

Listening to our beloved musicians saying that they finally have found “my sound” in an open air concert, shows the quality of the Ensemble under our shell.

In addition, a comment from our most famous and competent guest who is delighted to ear that the sound under the structure stays the same, in terms of sound quality, even where you are 18 m away, from the front of the structure, in the audience, confirm to us that the people will enjoy the concert as much as the musicians.

Knowing this, make us proud and give us the confirmation that we are following the right route.

A route made of passionate and committed people who are pushing the boundaries of the design and construction techniques, making mistakes and rebuilding everything with a lesson learn, in order to be able to give a contribution, even if only a small one, to the pleasure of listening classical and acoustic music in a wonderful scenario such as Villa Pennis in Acireale.

Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.
Johannes Brahms