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Arch LAB

workshop, DIY, training lab and experimentation

DIY Construction Site .

Open Air lab and workshop for DIY and acoustic setting of ReS (Resonant String shell) a temporary wooden pavillon for the music and the outdoor entertainment. ReS will be self-built, furnished and lighted up

Do It Yourself

Acoustic Design


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ReS .

Resonant String shell

Winner of the Peter Lord Award 2015 ...

Assigned from the IOA (Institute of Acoustic of United Kingdom) to the ReS team, for: ``project with exceptional and innovative acoustic design``.
It is a temporary pavilion for outdoor music and entertainment, self-built, furnished and illuminated. Designed as a real scenic machine for outdoor chamber music, it is made with cheap materials and elementary techniques, reversible and by its nature sustainable. Like the speaker of a trumpet or an old gramophone ReS projects and orientates acoustic music – specifically the chamber music – towards the audience which is able to offer excellent listening performance even outdoors. How a ReS musical instrument “matches” by adjusting the orientation of the panels based on the frequencies of the ensamble with which it resonates.

(ReS team: Serafino Di Rosario, Sergio Pone, Sofia Colabella, Bianca Parenti, Davide Ercolano, Daniele Lancia)

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