/  Riccardo Savinelli

Riccardo Savinelli

Riccardo Savinelli Violist Is formal member of the string quartet Quartetto Mirus, cofounder and artistic director of Avos Project – International School of Music, consultant and artistic director for Promu. He regularly collaborates as Principal Viola with Enrico Dindo and Solisti di Pavia, Orchestra Filarmonica di Torino, Orchestra da Camera di Perugia, Solisti Aquilani, Orchestra da Camera di Pescara Colibrì Ensemble, Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. He plays in orchestras such as the Orchestra Mozart Bologna, Spira Mirabilis, Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia Rome, Leonore Orchestra Pistoia, Orchestra delle Settimane Musicali of Stresa, conducted among others by Maga, Barshai, Penderecki, Noseda, Maazel, Pappano, Haitink, Gatti. In his career he has played in the most prestigious halls in the world such as the Philarmonie (Berlin), Cadogan Hall (London), National Theater (Beijing), Auditorium Nacional (Madrid), Basf-Festival (Ludwigshafen), Mozarteum (Salzburg), Musikverein (Vienna), Carnagie Hall (New York), Kennedy Center (Washington), KKL of Lucerne.


His particular predilection for chamber music gave home the chance to collaborate with musicians such as Enrico Dindo, Francesca Dego, Mario Brunello, Pavel Vernikov, Enrico Bronzi, Andrea Oliva, Enrico Pace, Giovanni Sollima, playing for Guggenheim Foundation, Accademia dei Cameristi Bari, Settimane Musicali Stresa, Spoleto Festival, Portogruaro Festival, Amici della Musica di Modena, Fondazione I teatri Reggio Emilia, Unione Musicale Turin, GOG Genoa, Concerts for the Quirinale, Mecklenburg-Festival, Ravello Festival, Accademia Filarmonica Bologna, Accademia Filarmonica Romana. He has an intense concert activity with the Quartetto Mirus, an ensemble that has performed for the most important Italian and European festivals, with a repertoire ranging from the early eighteenth century to the present day. In its ten-year career the Mirus Quartet has collaborated with guest musicians such as Mario Brunello (Antiruggine), Cristina Zavalloni (Unione Musicale di Torino), Belcea Quartet (GOG di Genova), Jan Bang. He is a passionate musician of contemporary music and is engaged in the exploration of new musical languages, which has led him to participate in several projects loaned by the "She lives ensemble" of Rome, playing for institutions such as the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and Accademia di Ungheria; with the Black Mountain String Quartet has performed for the Swiss Institute of Rome the monumental Second Quartet by Morton Feldman, a work played only about ten times from the date of composition due to the complexity of the piece and for the insane duration (6 continuous hours); with the Quartetto Mirus he performed live on Radio Rai3 for the Quirinale Concerts the last chamber work of the great contemporary composer Thomas Ades, “The four Quarters”, first to perform it in Italy after its Premiere in 2011. He has recorded for Decca, Sony, Brilliant, Tactus. For Naxos he has recorded as a soloist the Triple Concerto by Ghedini and with the Quartetto Mirus a CD of unpublished compositions by Felice Giardini. He recently released a new album with Quartetto Mirus for Promu Label with music by Schnittke, Stravinsky and Adès, officially presented at the Palazzo Merulana Museum with a three-day event that saw the participation of various personalities from the world of culture such as the musicologist Guido Barbieri, the composer Massimo Capogrosso, the artist Guido Bisagni 108 and the photographer Flavio Ianniello (curators of the album cover and photos installation), the actor and director Ascanio Celestini. He graduated in Viola at the Novara Conservatory, later obtained the Master Degree at the Hogheschool in Ghent (Belgium) under the Russian virtuoso Michael Kugel. He specializes with Danusha Waskiewicz (Mozart Orchestra and formerly Principal Viola of the Berliner), Simonide Braconi (Principal Viola of the Teatro alla Scala), Simone Briatore (Principal Viola of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia), Gilad Karni (Principal Viola of the Thonhalle in Zurich). He attended the chamber music courses held by Altenger Trio Wien. At the same time, he graduated at University in Philosophy with a thesis on Philosophy of Music with Livio Bottani. He has collaborated for 10 years with the magazine "Allegro con Brio" directed by Luigi Fait for which he has written articles on philosophy and music. He is the creator, together with the actor and director Alessandro Rubinetti, of the musical theatrical visits organized at the Museum of Musical Instruments in Rome. He attended photography school at Officine Fotografiche in Rome and exhibits for various national realities. Great lover of literature, he attended creative writing courses at the Holden School by Alessandro Baricco and published short stories for Giulio Perrone Editore. From 2020 together with some friends and colleagues he has activated the Avos Project – International School of Music of which he is cofounder and artistic director and where he holds the annual higher courses of Viola and Chamber Music. He is the artistic director of the musical festival “Incontri con Schubert” in Villa Giulia-Rome organized by Promu with whom he regularly collaborates as an artistic consultant. He is teacher of Viola at the Conservatory Briccialdi in Terni.
